NOPP 2023 Deployment
Hybrid-style mooring | Collaboration between Scripps' Ocean Time-Series Group and MOD lab, and Del Mar Oceanographic

This deployment represents the Internal-wave resolving array team within the NOPP Global Internal Waves program. The mooring includes a Wirewalker profiler in the upper 500 m, fixed-depth CTDs and current meters between 600 m and the sea floor, and ADCPs at 600 and 1750 m. Pressure-sensor equipped inverted echosounders (PIES) are deployed on the sea floor. Decimated data from all instruments are telemetered in real time.
The figure below is a graphical overview of the mooring design (left panel); and real-time instrument data, displayed at the corresponding depths (right two panels).
Click on any of the panels below to explore individual data sets.

Detailed description: Upper panels show contours of T and S from the Wirewalker profiler. Overlaid line plots at seven discrete depths show time series of T (middle panel) and S (right panel) from fixed-depth SBE-37 CTD instruments; y-tick labels show the means +/- standard deviations over the 7-day period shown. Line plots at bottom in orange show time series of pressure (middle panel) and vertical acoustic travel time (right panel) from the PIES instrument. Red and blue contour plots show eastward (middle panel) and northward (right panel) components of velocities, from the two ADCPs (620-1730 m depth) and four single-point Aquadopp current meters.
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